Leveling up my Writing Game
I’ve been thinking about my writing and publishing game lately. I’ll be honest…the drama of the past 1.5 years due to Covid and politics, had sucked on my soul and drained away my will to write. For the last several months I’ve barely had the energy to write a handful of pages each sit down and am now still only at about 44k words of a hopeful 100k.
It’s pretty bad. I’ve tried other distractions to get my brain to barf out words in the correct order to little use. Games, reading, videos, everything was also met with a feeling of bleh.
Lately I’ve been trying to level up my writing and publishing game actively, however, once I realized the mental rut I was in. The first step began around January, when I realized that the current book covers for The Immortals Series were tired and dull. Now, the amazing illustrations were still perfect, but the title work needed help. I had all 3 books revamped in March and rereleased. I love them! Check out the cover designers here.
Then about 2 months ago I signed up for a writing master class here . I started it slowly and am surely making my way through one of the HUGE courses. So far so good, but there is soooo much information gold that I will have to go through the class more than once before really putting any of the homework aka plans for Leveling Up my Publishing, into action.
That’s a goal, my 2nd one. Third, I need to level up my author branding game, which is where I’m at now! I’ve reached out to an amazing branding/cover artist and will be working on getting an amazing logo/branding theme to use across the board for my books. The branding will be for me as an author and cover all my books. I’ll be able to finally get a good website up and running and keep everything visually consistent for facebook, twitter, my newsletter, etc. I can’t wait! I’ll share the deets asap!
And 4th…I need to level up and actually WRITE. You know, butt in the seat, fingers on the keyboard. I’ve obviously done some, but the bits and pieces have been five steps ahead, three back feeling. I need to buckle down. I hope to get a widget for word counts on my website to keep me accountable. Maybe do Nanowrimo in November.
Whatever it takes…and it will take time…I will Level up my Writing Game and not give up.